Academic Club of eSports Dortmund
KaLigator [Rhein-Waal]
Academic Club of eSports Dortmund
KaLigator [Rhein-Waal]

Jogadores no confronto

Academic Club of eSports Dortmund

Daniel "asidan1" Backhove
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Alfred "shinji" Reichert
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Marvin "sl4k" Handschuh
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Andreas "Hamela Anderson" Immel
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Constantin "QN1Z0R1Z0R" Grolig
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Marcel "MorkaN" Mörken
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Bonke "B1nk3" Thießen
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KaLigator [Rhein-Waal]

Mathaan "Der Fliegende Holländer" Ranjan
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Antonio "LinkPlay9" Sarcevic
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Phillip "Zellericherich" Zelle
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Marcel "M4CE" Parurej
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Moritz "Hullel" Hübiunger
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Dustin "Larry" Koschmann
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Steffen "Hulk Hoden" Reinhard
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