Arw Alpha & Play To Slay

من قِبل Amar
Online, India
* Players should register their Team members with team Name.
* Team members should be 4 and one substitute will be allowed.
* Entry Fees per team is Rs.50/- only
* Payment must be in the form of Paytm/Phone Pay to favor of +91 9676198430
* If Tournament cancel entry fees will be refunded with the same number you have done a payment.
* Contact on 9673198430 on whatsapp for more deails.

*** Payment proof will be shared by whatsapp to +91 9676198430

*** ALL THE BEST ***
بنية يتعين تحديدها.
المنطقة الزمنية
Asia/Kolkata (UTC+05:30)
1st prize Rs.1500/-
2nd prize Rs.700/-
3rd prize Rs.500/-
Highest Kills of the tournament(one member) : 1900 diamonds