Tuesday Night Fortnite Fights

الكمبيوتر, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
من قِبل Warehouse 49
1412 W. 33rd Ave
Help us get ready for esport seasons at Warehouse 49. This is your chance to compete against other players and make new friends. For this first season we are simply doing a one month trial so we can learn the process and make things better for the official season starting soon after the trial is over.

This trial period will cost $5 per person per week. We are still working on cost for Season 1. Part of Season's one entry will go towards venue costs and part will go towards prizes and trophies for the end of the season.
المنطقة الزمنية
America/Anchorage (UTC-08:00)
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For this first trial season there will be no prizes however each participant will get a few free hour cards for participating and if you wish will get first option to compete in the official first season.