Summer Slaughter III

Von SeaRaptor, Vas79, _TheSneakySnake_, and Quadrilus
We are proud to announce the return of a NA server summer tradition, Summer Slaughter! For this third annual running of Summer Slaughter, we’ll be taking a trip down competitive memory lane using Tier VIII in a competitive format for the first time in almost a year. This two-day tournament has always been a way for established teams to remain in top form over the summer and for newer teams to come out and test their mettle.

The event is a one-day tournament for a maximum of sixteen (16) teams. It will consist of three rounds of Swiss play, lasting approximately four-and-a-half (4.5) hours., followed by a cut to a Top 4 bracket to determine the final placing. The playoff stage should last approximately two (2) hours. A third place match is played to determine the final placement of the Top 4 participants.

DAY: 5 August 2018
START TIME: 1200 EDT (0900 PDT)
Approximate duration: 6.5 hours
America/New York (UTC-04:00)
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First Place: 5 Go Navy! containers (for each player)
Second Place: 2 Go Navy! containers (for each player)
Third Place: 1 Go Navy! containers (for each player)
Fourth Places: 500 doubloons (for each player)
All participants: 10x Victory Salute camouflage

For more info on the contents of Go Navy! containers, visit:
and scroll down to the section marked "Containers".