[COD] official tourney network

💪🏼 “Survival of the Fittest” 💪🏼

Von ʙ E̲ ᴛ & CBK Esports
🏆 TOURNAMENT [COD]: “Survival Of The Fittest”

🧩 Format: (FPP) [5v5] **(5) round tournament of (3) matches each.**

🌎 MAPS: 1.) Firing Range S&D. ➖ Forst to reach (10 points)
2.) Stand off dominion ➖ First to reach (200 points)

📅 DATE: 12/14/19 (9pm est.) [WEEK #1]
12/21/19 (9pm est.) [WEEK #2]
12/28/19 (9pm est.) [WEEK #3]

➕ Points: (SINGLE ELIM.) No different scale same as in game. (LAST TEAMS STANDING R the LAST TEAMS FIGHTING)
This tournament is bracket
Atlantic/Cape Verde (UTC-01:00)
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🥇 $100.00 USD to winning team. (1st receives all three prizes)
🥈 TEAM ENTRY 🎟 INTO ONE PAiD EVENT (2nd receives 2nd & 3rd prizes)
🥉 HIGHLIGHTS 🎥 REEL ON THREE SEVERS (3rd receives only 3rd prize)