馃敱Trident Gaming Tournaments馃敱

PC, Xbox One
Por 馃敱 Trident Gaming Tournaments 馃敱
This will be a 1v1 tournament, make sure you read the rules and know everything before playing. 饾檸饾櫈饾櫆饾櫍饾櫈饾櫍饾櫆 饾櫔饾櫏 饾櫎饾櫍 饾櫓饾櫎饾櫎饾櫑饾櫍饾櫀饾櫌饾櫄饾櫍饾櫓 饾櫃饾櫎饾櫄饾櫒 饾櫍饾櫎饾櫓 饾櫌饾櫄饾櫀饾櫍 饾櫘饾櫎饾櫔 饾櫀饾櫑饾櫄 饾櫎饾櫅饾櫅饾櫈饾櫂饾櫈饾櫀饾櫋饾櫋饾櫘 饾櫒饾櫈饾櫆饾櫍饾櫄饾櫃 饾櫔饾櫏. you 饾悓饾悢饾悞饾悡 join the discord to be able to play. Once you join the discord you must look into the brackets text channel to officially sign up! Please don't be toxic and be a good sport. It will start on the 2:00 PM EST, (11:00 PST), on the dot so be on!!

Estructura por determinar.
Zona horaria
America/New York (UTC-04:00)
No cash prize, but if you win you get free entry into a cash prize tournament with a entry fee.