Kashmir premiere league S2

PubgMobile Kashmir premiere league season2

Urządzenie mobilne
Organizator: CbKash Gaming
Online, Jammu and kashmir
Asalam u alaikum
Cbkashgaming welcomes all of you to the PubgMobile tournament Kashmir Premiere League . So far all of us have gone through numerable tournaments , but CbKash Gaming assures you to provide advanced platform to represent your acquired skills and beat for Hashtag #1 #KashmirGamingCommunity
Strefa czasowa
Asia/Kolkata (UTC+05:30)
Join Discord
Registration fee for every squad is not decided yet becoz we are waiting for sponsors . For now you guys register and before matchdays fee will be discussed.
Prize see
Istplace / 10000Rs
2ndplace / 3000Rs
3rdplace /2000Rs
MvpOftheTourment /1000Rs
Love from CbKashgaming