PubG Power BattleGrounds

PubG Power BattleGrounds

Von Anmol n Athul
Online, Asia
Inviting all the PubGians Squad Leader with their battalion to PubG battleground arena to the most exciting and electrifying combat. Where all the soldiers will go for a prowl to unleash their Ultimate Pro Skills and put the enemy to rest in Peace.

There would be two battles

1. Squad Combat- 25 Squads
2. Solo Combat- 100 Members of 25 Squads

There would be only 2 rounds of match.
1 for Squad Combat, other for Solo Combat

Battle Date: 24 Nov 2018
Registration Fee: Rs 500/Squad

Don't wait register now. Submit your details and we will contact you with a unique ID.

Add that unique code in the description box of the payment and application and transfer the money.

Phone Pe/Tez/Paytm: 9808585805
UPI id: anmol.batra@ybl
Asia/Kolkata (UTC+05:30)
Since there are two rounds of match so winners of every match will win prize.

Squad Combat:

1 Rank- Rs 2000
2 Rank- Rs 1000
3 Rank- Rs 750

Solo Battleground:

Player with Most kills: Rs 1000
1 Rank- Rs 750
2 Rank- Rs 500
3 Rank- Rs 350
4-10 Rank- Rs 100

Please take the screen shot of your result.

Screenshots Mandatory for Rank Achieved at the end of the game to claim prizes.