Femme Fatale: Winter Edition

Femme Fatale Tournament: Winter Edition: 3v3 - Single Elimination - SEA,EU,NA

Von Femme Fatale Tournament
Online, Vainglory
A warm hello to all the ladies who enjoy playing Vainglory and love competition and action!
Femme Fatale Tournament: Winter Edition is a females only 3v3 tournament with best of 3 single elimination system which will take place on the 25th-27th of March. The competition will take place on all three regions (EU, NA and SEA) and matches will be held locally. Each team must have a maximum of 4 players, a captain, a team name and a logo. In each region there will be a maximum of 8 teams, so be sure to sign up quick!

For more information or questions regarding the event please send us an e-mail at [email protected].

Players have to add the organizers & streamers from their region:
NA: Organizer: sphix
Volunteers: MadeMoiselleNA
Streamers: FemmeFatale (Host: LadyWabeesh)
EU: Organizers: MadeMoiselle
Volunteers: AtBeast, KuTTuZoV
Streamer: FemmeFatale (Host: Xinyi)
SEA: Organizers: Tatya
Volunteers: Tatya, BillyGeiSEA
Streamer: FemmeFatale

Special thanks to our sponsors:
GankStars: http://gankstars.gg/
SEMC: http://www.superevilmegacorp.com/#home

Registration page: https://www.toornament.com/tournaments/56c1c06e140ba018198b4638/registration/new
Europe/London (UTC+01:00)
Total prize:
1000$ and 7200 ICE

First place: 333$ and 500 ICE
Second place: 400 ICE