

Full Discord ID and Steam Profile Page URL [if using a Steam account]: Bioblaze Payne#6459
Deck 1 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: StormBringer: Stormbringer: CrossbowDudes, BannerMan, TwoLegionnaires, PlasmaMarines, WalkingBlindDate, RagingReinforcements, SpearThrowers, Infiltration, Legionnaires, LastStand
Deck 2 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Ratbo: Ratbo: Swarmers, BazookaScrat, CheeseDate, Daggerfall, PlasmaMarines, ScratHorde, ChainLightning, ScratLauncher, SwarmerTotem, CrossbowGuild
Deck 3 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Apep: Apep: ArmoredScrats, BannerMan, CrystalArcher, TwoLegionnaires, PlasmaMarines, RageThrowers, RagingReinforcements, CrossbowGuild, LastStand, Colossus
Deck 4 of 4 (use /cud in in-game chat and paste here) No duplicate Masters allowed.: Ravager: Apep: TimeBomb, EliteSwarmer, CannibalSwarmers, Swarmers, BannerMan, CheeseDate, ScratHorde, PropellerHorde, BlueGolem, Colossus
[Optional] Twitch: