GFN Community RL Tournament

In this tournament, we will be playing Rocket League in teams of 2. There will be one bracket per region as usual, so one for EU and one for US. The winners of the EU region will go against the winners of the US region in the finals.

This tourney will be held on 24th of October.

How will it work?

Depending on how many people sign up we aim for 8 to 16 brackets for each region. The winner of each region will then move to the finals which is the winner of EU vs the winner of NA. 2 ways are possible from here:

1. We play the finals on a server where both teams have an even ping.
2. We roll a dice and whoever wins will have the ping advantage (only if both teams consent).
America/Chicago (UTC-05:00)
The tournament winner role for now - Since this is our first RL tournament and first tournament for a while, there won't be a prize. You can definitely expect our next tournaments to have a prize however.