TIGER Esports Fortnite Duos (All Systems) Tiger Duos

Playstation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, Mobile
NA-East TIGER Esports Fortnite Duos (All Systems)

3 game tournament.

Only one person from the team needs to sign up.

Game 1 will be played 12/27/2021 at 7:30 PM EST
Second game will follow the first game after a 5 minute break.
Third game will follow the Second game after a 5 minute break.

Announcement will be made in the DISCORD before each match.

CODE/KEY: Yunite bot in the discord server

Grab your partner and get ready to show who has the best team work.

All Ages, All Systems

There will be three games played; whomever has the most points is considered winner of the duo's tournament.

The Organizer holds the right to disqualify participants without the need to provide reasoning.
Structure to be determined.
America/New York (UTC-04:00)
Join Discord
Payout made within 72 hrs of completion of tournament.
First place: $20 = $10 each