Obs Gaming
Obs Gaming

Jugadores en el encuentro

Obs Gaming

Zapnu 56938218
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: Zapnu 56938218
Yakou 38101150
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: Yakou 38101150
Jeffqt4ever 30295001
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: Jeffqt4ever 30295001
Pakbet 34698411
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: Pakbet 34698411
Dian 24753638
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: Dian 24753638
Poy 5051944
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: Poy 5051944


ᴬᴱ | Pe̶i̶n̶ - 13872887
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: ᴬᴱ | Pe̶i̶n̶ - 13872887
ᴬᴱ | R̶i̶b̶o - 49761298
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: ᴬᴱ | R̶i̶b̶o - 49761298
ᴬᴱ Y̶u̶j̶i̶ - 16032643
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: ᴬᴱ Y̶u̶j̶i̶ - 16032643
ᴬᴱ | "Co̶c̶o - 66584102
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: ᴬᴱ | "Co̶c̶o - 66584102
ᴬᴱ | H̶a̶z̶e̶ - 14668492
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: ᴬᴱ | H̶a̶z̶e̶ - 14668492
ᴬᴱ | So̶w̶p̶i - 33233200
Player In-game Name (IGN) with Player ID: ᴬᴱ | So̶w̶p̶i - 33233200