Payment Method- Phonepe or Google pay
Payment phone no: 9498321291
Entry Fee 20rs
Send payment screenshot in what's app no :8608516981

Recent updated: players must pay the money via Phonepe no : 9498321291....if your not pay ,u r rejected...
Payment screenshot send the what's app group :

The player with the most points will be the winner of the tournament.

If more than 48 players do not participate in the tournament, then the tournament will be canceled.
Estructura por determinar.
Zona horaria
Asia/Kolkata (UTC+05:30)
The player who can give an entry fee of Rs 20 can participate in the tournament.

Per kill- 10rs
Booyah-100 rs
Timings :- 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Reporting Time :- 6:45pm
Type :- Solo Only
Map :- Bermuda map

Id or Password :- The ID and password of the custom room will be given on the Whatsapp.