CNY2021 Challenge

We are proud to announce our very first FIFA Online 4 tournament to celebrate exclusively with our Chinese fans the Chinese New Year of the ox! 
This challenge will provide an opportunity for players to compete, show their skills and of course win amazing prizes! 

Our first CNY2021 Challenge will take place between 15/02/2021–17/02/2021. 

Deadline to Enter: 14/02/2021
Please ensure you have add our WeChat Account to enable quick communication with the organization team: AC9_EASports

FORZA INTER SEMPRE and Happy Chinese New Year!

为了与中国的内拉们共庆牛年,我们很高兴地宣布节日期间国际米兰俱乐部将举办首届《FIFA Online 4》电竞锦标赛!这项赛事除了为广大球迷及玩家朋友提供相互竞争、展现技术的舞台之外,俱乐部更为大家提供了丰厚的奖品!

【时间】2021牛年电竞挑战赛将在 2021年2月15日-2月17日举办

请注意,报名的截止日 2021年2月14日。

除此之外,您还需要参赛者关注国际米兰俱乐部俱乐部官方微信账户,以确保赛事组织团队AC9_EASports 能够快速联系到您。

#ForzaInter# 春节快乐!
Zona horaria
Asia/Shanghai (UTC+08:00)
* Winner: CNY hoodie + CNY Gift kit
* 2กd: CNY t-shirt + CNY Gift kit
* 3rd - 4th: CNY Gift kit
