BadAsAFish80's MM 1v1 #1

BadAsAFish80's Minion Masters Tournament 1v1 #1

Organizator: BadAsAFish80
Join me in my first foray into organised competitive play for Minion Masters and I'm hoping together we can make it a success and the first of many.

This tournament is a Battlegrounds Qualifier Tournament (BQT) which means the winner will earn an invitation into the next Sinobii's Battleground Invitational (SBI) featuring a prize pool of over $200, a monthly TEAM MANA FRENZY tournament.

I've scheduled the tournament to run over the period of 2 weeks (11 August 2019 - 27 August 2019) to allow people plenty of time to play their matches at their convenience but I encourage you to complete them as soon as possible so that we can progress the tournament in a timely manner.

Registration is open to anyone registered as a Battleground (Ladder) Competitor who has not already earned an invitation to the next SBI.

If you are not already registered as a Battleground Competitor, registration is FREE! Visit Sinobii's discord at and visit the #how-ladder-works channel or complete the following:

Register as a Battleground's competitor - This allows the tracking of the tournaments that you enter so that you can earn credit towards prizes for competing.
⚫ Register with
⚫ Send an email to [email protected] titled "Ladder Registration-[YourMinionMastersName]"
⚫ Join Sinobii's Discord ( and post in #ladder-support "Registration email sent!"
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The more players in the event, the more prizes that unlock!
8 participants: Winner receives an invitation to the next SBI / CASH PRIZE TOURNAMENT, as well as the Dynasty Milloween skin!
9-15 participants: 2nd place also wins a Big Dwarf Pack
16-31 participants: 3rd-4th place also win a regular Dwarf pack
32+ participants: 2nd place ALSO WINS AN INVITATION, 3rd-4th upgrades to a Big Dwarf pack, 5th-8th also wins a dwarf pack

Even if you do not place highly enough to win rewards for this event as above, you can STILL earn in-game rewards by participating in BQTs regularly:
1. Playing in your [3rd] BQT earns a Dwarf Pack
2. Playing in your [10th] BQT earns a Big Dwarf Pack
3. Playing in your [50th] BQT earns your choice of a MEGA Dwarf pack or 2,500 rubies